Friday, June 5, 2009

Quick update: Lola is walking now for about that last 3 weeks. She started walking at 15 months and is having a blast. The next milestone is climbing up on the furniture, which is already attempts. She is a happy, sweet natured little girl. She had been sick off and on for the last few months, but seems to be feeling better now. She is stubborn, knows what she wants, and is funny.

Sean's last day of school is Monday. He is done with his students and looking forward to his already busy summer. He will be going to Europe and participating in Cinevegas (film festival) this June. We will be home in July and by the time we get back from this vacation, Sean will be back in the classroom in a month. This summer will fly by for him. He tends to overbook himself, but him staying home and doing absolutely nothing would drive him crazy. He will have Lola at home on Wednesdays, which Lola will love.

I will be doing the same things - continuing with work, while having Tuesdays off, going to the gym, and hanging out with Lola. My life has been stable. No changes. I am really excited about my trip home this summer for 2 weeks. I can't wait to spend some much missed and needed time at the cottage. I miss my friends. I miss the sunsets. I miss the family get togethers. Until July!...