Saturday, November 15, 2008


I was not sure what to expect with this years birthday. I was born November 14, 1977 and my grandmother passed away November 14, 2007. I remember getting the call from my mom. It was early in the morning and I had just gotten to work. I knew that my grandma had been in the hospital for a few days and I really was not surprised when she passed away. She was weak and tired. My first thought was that I should be with my mom in GR and hated that I lived 2000 miles away from home. My second thought was that she was alone, which thankfully, she was not. There was no question that I would be at her funeral. I was pregnant with Lola and saddened that she would never meet her great grandmother. I had become close to my grandma as I got older. When I was growing up, we took a family vacation to Iowa every year and every time we went, I would groan and ask to stay home. You see, my grandma put me to work doing chores that I did not like to do and we had to go to church on Sundays, which I hated because I was on vacation and wanted to sleep in. Grandma had rules and thou did not disobey Grandma. As I grew older, we would write letters back and forth and I would look forward to her letters in the mail. Every birthday, I would get a card and maybe $5. I have to admit that I was worried that this years birthday would be darkened by her passing, but it was one the best birthdays I have had in a long time. I miss the trips to Iowa. I miss the letters from Grandma.

1 comment:

Jen said...

My thoughts were with you yesterday. I was hoping and praying that you would have a great day!