Saturday, November 29, 2008

A Movie with Real Bite

I just returned from seeing Let the Right One In and it is an incredible movie. I am too tired, uninspired, and lazy to write a quality review. Basically, the film is about a bullied twelve year old boy who unknowingly befriends a vampire that has been twelve for a long time. It is a horror movie and will keep you guessing and uncomfortable throughout. The relationship that develops between Eli (vampire) and Oskar (mortal) is touching. The cinematography is also beautiful as it is shot in some sleepy, wintry suburb in Sweden. This is a foreign film and these typically do not do well in American theaters and have a tendency to disappear after about a week. Go see this. I understand that many are thinking, "that's all good and well, but all of my vampire voids are filled with the Twilight machine (books, posters, dolls, candy, stickers, t-shirts, magazines, etc.)." Do yourself a favor and check this movie out.

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