As 2007 comes to an end here are some personal highlights in no particular order:
1. I worked at Cinevegas in June on a small production crew. It was a very interesting experience seeing the mega entertainment machine up close and interacting with people that have dropped into my living room like terds through my "teevee." Most of the people that I talked to were very cool indie film makers, actors and actresses. It actually was an valuable experience. I had a two week, all access pass to the Palms and attended VIP parties all over the strip. One highpoint was bowling at the Gold Coast until 4am with friends. Two lanes down from us, some guy tore off one of his fingers while throwing a bowling ball. Just for the record, the Gold Coast did not interrupt moonlight bowling in order to find said finger. An uncomfortable moment had to be when I stood awkwardly about 10ft. from the cast and director of Oceans 13 wondering when to hand off the giant charity check. No one had given me any cue as to when I would get rid of the check. I stood out in the open, but just off to the side of all that teeth, hair, and general beauty, sweating and hoping that I wouldn't screw up the hand off by giving it to the wrong person and just making an ass of myself in some unforeseen way. Very awkward. One of the many insights that I gained was that the celebrities, films, explosions, and jokes serve only to draw your attention to various brands/products. I guess it all reminded me of a photographer at a Sears Portrait Studio waving the shiny object behind the camera in order to get the child's attention.
"Look over here, look over here! It's Brad Pitt doing something!" Flash! Pepsi in your psyche.
I'll be working for Cinevegas again this year the second week of June.
2. I had just woken up and was listening to music and reading the news online when Gwen walked into the den holding a pregnancy test. I looked up and she said, "dude." I asked her if she was sure and told her that we would go and buy more tests that afternoon. I continued to listen to music staring at the computer. We then went down to Paris and attended a Ron Paul political rally. The reality of the pregnancy had not sunk in yet. Ron Paul and his desire to deregulate everything only scared me. We walked around outside and it was too hot (112?). We eventually made phone calls home to the parents. That was 7/7/07.
3. While in the middle of writing this Cruiser became restless and wanted to wrestle. Cruiser is our 70 pound greyhound. I think he just scratched out my eyeball thus ending this little 2007 re-cap.
Here are some photos and favorites form 2007:
This is "Four Winds" from Bright Eyes. I would say that he is post punk and out of Omaha. I love his songwriting and his lyrics are often intelligent. Anyway, he's been flirting with alternative country and usually turns the jingoistic and reactionary "stick a boot yer ass fer turrah!" on its head. Check out the video.
Here is "Videotape" by Radiohead. In Rainbows is one of my favorite albums this year.
This last one is "Neon Bible" by The Arcade Fire recorded live in an elevator. Neon Bible was probably the album that I listened to most of 2007.