I know it has been awhile since my last post, but I was waiting for a few projects around the house to be completed. One of which is Lola's room (for those that do not know, we have decided on the name Lola Grace). With the help of my mom, Lola's room is ready for her homecoming. My mom came for a week around Christmas, washed all the baby clothes and toys, and helped to set up Lola's room. (She also bought her crib as a gift, which you will see in the photos.) I am so thankful for her help and relieved that this project is done. We also got the garage organized so one of ours cars will fit, which is a good thing since we bought a new car yesterday. We thought it necessary since my Kia was not rated as a safe car. We bought a Honda Element and we really like it. As far as updates go...my pregnancy is still going well. I am getting bigger and having some lower back pain at times. I am still waking up 3 or so times per night, but lately, I wake up around 4 am and can not get back to sleep. I have a lot on my mind with Lola's due date approaching and am feeling anxious (and terrified). I am nervous about labor and then nervous about what to do with Lola when she comes home. It is easy to read books and listen to others advice, but another to live it. Here is a picture of me today at 30 weeks and some of Lola's room.

The room looks great. I love how it all came together.
The waking up at night is just conditioning you for when Lola is here. You can kiss your full nights of sleep good by for at least the next few months.
Did you cut your hair? It looks shorter in the picture.
Anyway, have a Happy New Year. Try not to dwell on the unknown things like labor but this about what a joy it will be to finally meet your little girl. I love you and you are always in my prayers.
Oh one more thing; you do love those red pants. dont you?
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