We had our ultrasound today and for all those who thought it was a boy...IT'S A GIRL! The ultrasound went well without any concerns. Here is a picture of her sucking her thumb. She is very active and likes to sit on my bladder. She likes to show off her feet too. She is small, which is a good thing for when I give birth. We are excited for her arrival on/around March 10, 2008.
Yeah!!! I am so excited for you. I know that this is a shock coming from me but you will love your little girl. Baby boy are awesome but there is just something about a little girl.
Yahoo! Congratulations! Yippie!! Our girls will have so much fun together! Yay!!!!!
Congrats to you both. Wow! amazing photo with such detail to be able to see her sucking her thumb.
Hey Sean get out the shotgun and oil it up to fend off those bad boys that might come a callin'
Also, start saving up for the wedding...ha ha!
Awwww, she is soooo cute your right she has wendi's nose, she is always moving because she gets that from her dad, he was always on the move and still is....I cant wait!!!!!
Hey, Congrats!!! she is going to be a doll. Love the posted Pics. Take Care see you next May. Auntie Laurie
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