Summer break? Where? For the past 14 days I've had a staff position at the Cinevegas film festival, celebrated my first father's day and fifth wedding anniversary, attended graduate classes three nights a week, worked on my school's SIP team, said goodbye to my graduating seniors, attended many of the festival parties, and saw the world's smallest man outside the restroom at the Mirage.
The world's smallest man has an entourage and film crew. He also has a personal assistant that carries him around.
Dennis Hopper almost had his face removed by a man with a furious ping pong paddle.
I also saw a nude woman with a 6' weave juggle and eat fire while I ate strawberry anniversary cake with friends. The fascinating thing is that she was really more of a sideshow to everything else that was going on.
I saw a line wrapped throughout the Palms in which people stood for hours in order to receive a free pair of Croc sandals. Crocs are sort of like rubber clogs with holes. Back in the day, if you gambled enough you would get a free steak dinner or show tickets. Nowadays you get cheap sandals at the head of a line.
James Caan upon winning the Icon Award: "...and to my friends and family, please feel free to call me Jimmy, James, or Mr. Caan. There is no need for you to refer to me as "Icon."
I am happy that the festival is over. It was fun but very busy. Every year that I do this I get exhausted and flooded with the reminder that we have rebuilt Sodom and Gomorrah within a five mile stretch about 10 minutes from my front door. I've heard that we really are not doing anything differently out here in the desert that doesn't go on in many communities across America. I think that is oversimplified and falls into the general statement that Americans in general are moralistic in attitudes while hedonistic in behaviors.
What is community? I've lived in two places my whole life and both are extreme ends of the spectrum. If Gwen and I stay out here we will especially have to focus on stressing to Lola that this is not like most places and that outward beauty is irrelevant compared to critical thinking and independence. I met a student who has parents that moved out here from Pennsylvania and then had kids. She tells me that she spent family vacations back in PA and that helped ground her and expose her to the world outside of Vegas. Anyway, this girl now attends Yale as a film student.
I am looking forward to sitting around the house with Lola and Gwen. I hated being away from my family so much these past couple weeks but I had committed to the job. Lola's 3 month photos are done! Lola's 4 months old today! Gwen will be posting another update with the photos soon.
This is poorly written and unorganized. I really only wanted to post some photos.
The above photos are:
1. The Director's Suite at the Palms where many of the festival after-parties were held.
2. Me hamming it up on the red carpet at the honoree party.
3. Gwen and Amanda hamming it up at the honoree party.
4. Planet Hollywood from the poolside at night.
5. City Center construction site.
The statement, "Only in Vegas" I guess is really hold true.
Yeah, this place is interesting and I think that I would miss it if we left. It has character and is unlike any other place I have ever been.
First, so sorry for the messed up comment. I guess I shouldn't blog while distracted by children.
Second, I am so glad that you are enjoying your Vegas time but remember you are still coming home right? right?
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