Monday, January 28, 2008

Week 34...6 weeks to go!

I can not imagine getting any bigger. I feel like my stomach is going to split open any day now. She is really active still and I can actually feel body parts, although I am not sure how to distinguish between them, but I feel bigger, sweeping movements along with the little pokes and kicks. She has eased up on my bladder somewhat, but I know that will change once she drops lower. My emotional mood swings are off the chart, although Sean says I am the same, but I can tell I am more emotional than before (I know some of you may find that hard to believe. I admit it - I am moody) :) I am easily overwhelmed, tired and sore. I think my sciatic nerve is causing me pain when I walk. I have days that by the end of the day, I can barely walk. I imagine I will endure this for the remainder of my pregnancy. I try to exercise, but lately, have been resting more due to my soreness. I do not feel ready and probably never will, but I can not wait to meet her for the very first time. I have a baby shower this weekend and one in mid February. I am trying to savor these last weeks of being pregnant as it will be over soon. I have enjoyed being pregnant, but do have to say that the 3rd trimester is my least favorite. I waddle, I am clumsy, and it is hard to get up from the anything - the bed, chair, or floor without excruciating effort. I feel huge and my maternity clothes keep getting tighter. I am thankful the end is in sight. I will post another picture as soon.

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