Not much is new. I am still a social worker at a nursing home with the occasional ups and downs. Lola is 27 months. She is attempting full sentences, wants to do everything by herself, and is more stubborn than both Sean and I combined. She is definitely our child. :) Sean has finished his 5th year of teaching and is again, taking classes at UNLV to finish his masters. We have a trip planned to Europe this August, while Lola will be enjoying that time with her Grandparents in MI.
To reflect, the last few years have been good, but not without challenges. I have used my college education as I intended to. I became a mother. I have made new friends. I have seen some new and beautiful places. I have camped and hiked in the mountains, been to the ocean, and even went to Disneyland. But truthfully, since I turned thirty, I wonder what happened to me. I feel lost in almost everything going on around me. I know I am blessed in this life. I value what I have, but sometimes, not enough. I am not proud of my actions at times. I am generally ruled by my emotions and this is not always a good thing. In some ways, I have failed myself and my family. Sometimes I feel like it gets harder to find my way back. Sometimes I do wonder where I am trying to find my way back to. There are parts of my life that have been a struggle lately, but I hope the struggle will bring me back to where I am meant to be.
Those that know me well, know that sometimes I feel this way. Those that don't, sorry. Honestly, I don't often share this side of me for the same reason that others don't - vulnerability. Oh, and sometimes it sounds like I am whining...and it does a little. :)
Maybe I have shared to much this time, but I do feel that those who will read this, will love me anyway. At least I hope so. :)
I will end with a few pics of our favorite little person...