We recently went to Big Bear, CA, which I have seen advertised on TV several times. It was not what I expected. Sean and I thought it would be similar to Saugatuck, MI, but it is an actual city with a lake in the middle. It took longer to get there than planned and we did not get to do as much as I had hoped. We rented a cabin home for the weekend that was pet friendly, so Cruiser came along on the family trip. Lola did fairly well in the car, but did not forgot to remind us when it was time to eat. She slept for most of the car rides back and forth, as did Cruiser. I had hoped to go to the lake, the zoo, snow summit, and the village. We managed to go the the village...twice. We had some good food at Peppercorn Grill, which I highly recommend. The village is about 3 blocks by 3 blocks and surrounded by Big Bear City. It was nice to get away from Las Vegas with the sweltering heat, but not really what I had expected. With an infant, it is hard to rent jet skies or hike a mountain trail. I was glad to go on our first family vacation (not including our trip to GR on Memorial Day)

Lola started day care this past week and so far, so good. It is a licensed home that is a few blocks from my work (and home). Lada (easier for the kids to say, real name is Linda Jane) absolutely loves Lola, who is the only infant and only girl. It is too soon to tell how Lola will do there, but she is eating well and sleeping some. She is not used to the noise of 3 little boys to keep her up. She is 6 months now and eating cereal. We started veggies and started with squash, which she does not like as she makes funny faces when we put them in her mouth. Next, we will try sweet potatoes! She has decided to sleep on her tummy and there is nothing we can do to change this. We've tried to roll her onto her back, just to find her on her tummy in the morning. She seems to sleep better on her tummy. She still can not roll over onto her back and does not even attempt to. I am trying to teach her how to do this. She babbles a lot, makes bubbles, and says mama (just kidding about the mama part, but I am trying to teach her this too!). She is still a delightful little girl, full of smiles and giggles. We hope to come home for Christmas when she will be 10 months old! She is growing and changing so fast.
I am still at Silver Hills as a social worker, working a 4 day week. Sean reported back this past Wednesday and starts teaching on Monday. He may or may not go to UNLV this semester.